UFO in Odessa

Shahjehan Khan
2 min readMay 14, 2024
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Amidst the tumultuous events of our time, the enigma of UFO sightings continues to intrigue us. Take, for instance, the case of a white, triangular craft spotted hovering above our nation in August 2019. This unidentified object, captured in video footage by multiple witnesses, defied conventional aircraft design with its lack of wings, windows, or any discernible insignia.

What added to the intrigue was the UFO’s peculiar behavior. As it traversed the overcast midday sky, it seemed to morph from a disc-shaped object to an indeterminate form, only to revert. However, depending on the viewer’s angle, this transformation could have been a trick of perspective.

Sure, researchers at the time put forth a contentious theory. They hypothesized that the item might be the US secret aircraft TR-3B, which is said to be using reverse-engineered alien technology. It’s still up for contention whether this was a covert American operation or if the craft had ended up in the hands of foreign powers.

The TR-3B is a potential tactical reconnaissance aircraft that may be a technical refresh of an existing program or a technology demonstrator for a new generation of aircraft. The TR-3B may also refer to Black Manta, a UFO associated with black triangle reports. There is little evidence to support the TR-3’s existence.



Shahjehan Khan

I like to write stories about paranormal UFOs to Hauntings. And sometimes creepy and funny stories. Check out my links https://linktr.ee/shahjehank