The Museum of Failure

Shahjehan Khan
3 min readMar 25, 2023
Museum of Failure

If, at first, you don’t succeed, submit it to the Museum of Failure, which is a real museum.

At Brooklyn’s Industry City complex, a brand-new gallery specializing in retail items that have failed commercially launched earlier this month.

According to its website, The Museum of Failure gathers “failed products and services from around the world,” providing a “fascinating learning experience” into unsuccessful innovation.

The website says, “Every item provides unique insight into the risky innovation business. The museum’s goal is to encourage fruitful dialogue on failure and motivate people to take calculated risks.

Google Glass? Why is the person blue?

More than 159 retail products that didn’t quite catch on are on display at The Museum of Failure, including the much-maligned Google Glass and the doomed DeLorean automobile, which gained notoriety through the “Back to the Future” film series.

Clear Pepsi — I rather drink water!

Other items that made the museum’s not-so-hallowed halls include 1985’s Coke II — also known as New Coke and revisited…



Shahjehan Khan

I like to write stories about paranormal UFOs to Hauntings. And sometimes creepy and funny stories. Check out my links