A Silent UFO Flying Over in Alabama.

Shahjehan Khan
4 min readMar 30, 2023
illustrated by John MacNeill

This article was first released in the 1984 APRO Newsletter (newsletter of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization). Jim MacNeill has supplied fresh illustrations.

The tip provided to APRO by Bob Gribble of the Phenomena Research Hot Line led to the investigation of the subsequent case. Field Investigator Ed O. Brown finished the follow-up inquiry. The witness’s name and other identifying names have been changed to protect the principal.

Mrs. Pat Norris, who was 28 years old, resided in a Mobile, Alabama, suburb with her spouse Carl and three kids. She had gone to see a friend in Mobile that evening on February 3, 1983, and when the friend’s spouse returned from work, Mrs. Norris left and returned home on Highway 90.

She heard an explosion as she exited the freeway. Her car started to vibrate at this juncture, making steering challenging. She took another turn off the road she was traveling on, stopped the vehicle, opened the door, and leaned out to see what was wrong.

When Mrs. Norris kept going, the vibration ceased. She took a different route and noticed the brilliantly lit woods up ahead.

She was initially alarmed because she believed the lights indicated that a helicopter hunt was underway. Once more, stopping the vehicle, she saw a massive object about a half mile to the…



Shahjehan Khan

I like to write stories about paranormal UFOs to Hauntings. And sometimes creepy and funny stories. Check out my links https://linktr.ee/shahjehank